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Testing Accommodation Procedures

Accessibility Services

Testing Accommodation Procedures


To schedule your test, you must notify CF Accessibility Services at least three days in advance by:

  • Completing the Test Form Sign Up in person at the Accessibility Services office.
  • Sending an email to with your test date, time, course number/section, and instructor’s name.
  • Contacting the Accommodation Specialist at 352-854-2322, ext. 1395 to be added to the testing schedule.

The Accommodation Specialist will send the form to the instructor and make arrangements for proctoring the exam.

After registering with Accessibility Services, you can use our online scheduling service to book an appointment. Please note this tool is only available for Ocala Campus appointments.

All tests must be taken on the same day and at the same time as the course unless approved in advance by both instructor and Accessibility Services. Accessibility Services will not accept a change without a written note, voicemail or email from the instructor approving a change in the time or date.

If a test is canceled or rescheduled, notify Accessibility Services immediately at 352-854-2322, ext. 1395 or 1209, or

If you do not arrive within 20 minutes of the test start time, the test will be returned to the instructor.

If you miss the test for any reason, it will be your instructor’s decision as to whether or not you may make it up. Refer to your course syllabus for specific policies.

If you arrive late, miss a scheduled test appointment or fail to make advance arrangements three times in a given semester, your Accessibility Services testing accommodations may be stopped for the remainder of the semester

No food or other drinks, purses, bags, or cell phones will be allowed in the testing room unless it is specifically stated in your FAN as allowable. No books, notebooks, or calculators will be allowed unless authorized in writing by the instructor on the testing form. These items will be placed in a locker outside the testing room.

Important: Disability Services will not tolerate cheating or academic dishonesty in any form. If anyone is suspected of cheating on a test, that test will immediately be taken away from the student and returned to the student’s instructor or the test administrator. That and any other type of suspected academic dishonesty will be reported to the instructor. Your instructor will determine a course of action and the consequences. The CF Student Handbook contains the Code of Student Conduct and information about the Academic Integrity Policy. These rules and regulations apply to all students, regardless of disability status.