Accommodations for Students

Accessibility Services

Accommodations for Students

Explore resources and instructions for students who are registered with Accessibility Services at the College of Central Florida.

Requesting Accommodations

Students must contact CF Accessibility Services each semester and send their updated schedule. If you make changes to your schedule, it is your responsibility to contact Accessibility Services. You will not receive accommodations automatically.

Steps to request accommodations

Each semester, send your class schedule to the Accessibility Services office at Ensure the schedule includes the following information: instructor name(s), course name/number, and the time/location of class.

Review your personal information and notify us of any changes. We can provide the appropriate forms to you based on what information is changing. For changes to the accommodations you are receiving, set up an appointment with us to discuss next steps.

Once we receive all needed information, we will send out your FAN (Faculty Accommodation Notice) for the upcoming semester. This will be sent to your instructors and your Patriots email account.

After receiving your FAN, if you make any changes to your schedule, follow up with our office immediately so that we can update and resend to you and your new instructor(s).

Remember: Your FAN will not be activated for classes until you notify us and complete this process. Contact us at or 352-854-2322, ext. 1209 with any questions.

Extended time

If you receive an extended time accommodation for exams, the extra time will be added by the instructors for online exams. If your class is held on campus or you simply prefer to take exams in the Accessibility and Counseling Center, contact us at least three days before each exam to make arrangements.