Student’s Right to Know

Campus Safety

Student’s Right to Know

This Statement of Procedures is published in accordance with Section 201 P.L. 101-542 as amended by P.L. 102-26, the “Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990.”

Click the links below to navigate this page.

College Property
Access to Campus Facilities
Campus Keys

Substance Abuse
Testing and Counseling
Dangerous Effects
Student Assistance Program
Disciplinary Sanctions for Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Meningococcal Disease
Hepatitis B

CF Policy
Sexual Predators on Campus
Educational Programs
If you are Assaulted
Psychological Support
Disciplinary Sanctions for Sexual Assault
Profile of a Rapist
Victim’s Rights


Public safety at the College of Central Florida is everybody’s business. No community, of course, can be totally risk-free in today’s society. Students, faculty, staff and visitors are partners in creating an atmosphere that is safe and conducive to learning.

CF’s Ocala Campus maintains a Public Safety department with personnel available 24 hours a day. A person may report any criminal action or any other emergency at any time by calling the following telephone numbers: 352-873-5800, ext. 1261, direct number 352-873-5841, or 911. Individuals may also come by in person to the campus Public Safety department located in the Public Safety Building directly in front of Bryant Union.

The Citrus Campus also provides Public Safety available 24 hours a day. Criminal action or any other emergency can be reported by contacting the officer on duty at extension 6135 or cellular telephone number 352-302-6081. A person may also utilize any of the security phones located in building L2 and L3 on the Citrus campus. These phones will automatically contact the officer on duty.

The Levy Campus also provides Public Safety available 24 hours a day. Criminal action or any other emergency can be reported by contacting the officer on duty at 352-658-4077, ext. 2100 or cellular telephone number 352-274-4452.

The Appleton Museum of Art also provides Public Safety available 24 hours a day. Criminal action or any other emergency can be reported by contacting the officer on duty at extension 1848.

There is a Public Safety Officer assigned to the Hampton Center Monday–Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m. and Friday 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Criminal action or any other emergency can be reported by contacting 352-873-5800, ext. 5043.

There is a Public Safety Officer assigned to the Vintage Farm noon-9:30 p.m. Monday–Thursday. Criminal action or any other emergency can be reported by contacting 352-873-5800, ext. 5043.

College Property

No college property may be removed from the campus without express written permission from the department chairperson or area supervisor. Unauthorized removal of college property from the campus is a violation of CF policy and a violation of the law.

 Access to Campus Facilities

Most college buildings are open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. All CF students and staff members are issued identification cards which they may be asked to produce if there is a question about their authorization to be in a specific area.

Individuals who need to be in campus buildings or other areas during other than regularly scheduled work hours must obtain permission for that date and time from the department chairperson or supervisor, and notify the Public Safety department of their presence.

It is the responsibility of those who use rooms, offices and areas to lock access doors, turn off lights and close windows. College Public Safety and maintenance staff will check many of the areas during off hours, but the primary responsibility for security lies with the user.

If you have a need to gain entry to a campus building or classroom during off hours, contact the Public Safety Department at the following numbers:

  • Ocala Campus, ext. 1261 or 352-873-5841
  • Citrus Campus, ext. 6135 or 352-302-6081
  • Hampton Center, 352-427-4640

Campus Keys

Keys are provided to individual staff members on a need-to-enter basis as determined by the Director of Plant Operations. Lost keys must be reported immediately to one’s supervisor and to the facilities department.

Keys should never be loaned to other staff members or students. Public Safety personnel will confiscate any keys which have not been specifically issued to a particular individual. Unauthorized duplication of college keys is a violation of CF policy.


Substance Abuse

As a condition of employment or enrollment at the college, individuals shall certify that they are not engaged in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of illicit drugs and/or alcohol on the College’s property or as any part of the institution’s activities.

All campuses, centers and student/employee/alumni activities associated with the college, whether on or off campus, shall be guided by this policy and its procedures.

Testing and Counseling

The drug testing and counseling program applies to individuals who represent the college at official functions as participating or supporting members of one or more of the following performing groups:

  1. Intercollegiate athletics and/or cheerleading;
  2. Musical groups; or
  3. Theatrical and/or dancing performers.

Each individual who represents the college as a participating or supporting member of one or more of the groups listed shall be subject to being tested on a periodic basis, not to exceed once each calendar month, throughout the academic year, based on a random selection system.

At some time during each calendar month throughout the academic year (September through April), at least five percent of the individuals participating in each of the identified performing groups will be selected and tested. The selection process of those to be tested during any given month will be accomplished through a random selection system where all individuals participating in each of the identified performing groups in this policy are included in the selection set. Therefore, an individual is subject to being tested each month of the academic year.

When an individual first tests positive on a drug test and the positive result is confirmed, the individual will be required to participate in a drug counseling program as prescribed by the person assigned by the College President to supervise the testing, and will be immediately suspended from all performing group activities for a period of 14 calendar days, commencing on the date the positive result is confirmed. During this 14 calendar-day suspension the individual cannot associate with the performing group in any official capacity whatsoever.

Failure to participate in the prescribed counseling program and/or testing positive on any future drug test (the second positive result does not have to be in the same academic year) will result in immediate and permanent suspension from all performing groups herein identified and may subject the individual to further disciplinary procedures.

If the individual suspended permanently from the performing groups was the recipient of institutional scholarship aid, such aid shall be terminated on the effective date of the suspension.

Prior to implementation of any suspension period, the individual will have the opportunity to discuss the matter fully with the appropriate officials and to present evidence of any rebuttal or mitigating circumstances. The individual may appeal any suspension ruling by following the procedures established within the “Student Conduct” and “Disciplinary” sections of the College Rule Manual and published in the college catalog.

Any individual refusing to be tested will be immediately suspended from all identified performing groups in this policy and will have all institutional scholarship aid terminated immediately.

Dangerous Effects

Alcohol dangers include:

  1. loss of concentration and judgment leading to dangerous or problem behavior;
  2. loss of work time or lateness, increasing the workload and stress on others; and
  3. inability to deal realistically with problems, often hiding them until they are almost impossible to solve.

Drug dangers include:

  1. making you feel able to handle tasks that are too much for you, or making you careless and likely to forget important safety steps you need to take;
  2. throwing off your sense of time, space and distance; causing lateness and absenteeism, increasing the workload of others;
  3. causing crime, including theft of your personal belongings or college property, to finance someone else’s drug habit; and
  4. causing major errors in work, risking harm to others along the way.

Dangers of specific drugs:

Marijuana (grass, pot, weed) slows your physical reflexes, cuts your mental powers, makes you forgetful, throws off space and judgment. Personal dangers include damage to lungs, reproductive organs, and brain functions.

Cocaine (coke, crack, freebase, rock, snow) causes a temporary feeling of almost superhuman power, impairing judgment and decision-making ability; it causes emotional problems, mood swings and lack of dependability. It is expensive and often the cause of crime. Personal dangers include damage to the respiratory and immune systems, malnutrition, seizures, and loss of brain function. Lower-cost forms such as crack are especially addictive, making all other effects worse.

Heroin (H, horse, junk) causes total disinterest in safety, or in anything else except drugs, making a person dangerous and a weak link in any team; high cost of addiction leads to crime; dirty needles and other paraphernalia spread disease. Personal dangers include damage to personal productivity and relationships, overdose-caused coma and death. Is addictive, even in small amounts, and withdrawal is painful and difficult.

Hallucinogens (designer drugs, ecstasy [MDMA], LSD, PCP) vastly distort what is seen and heard, so that dangerous situations are caused or overlooked; bring about sudden, bizarre changes in behavior that can include attacks on others; rebound effects such as loss of concentration and memory or behavior problems can occur even when the dose has worn off. Personal danger due to frequent use can be the permanent loss of mental function.

Legal drugs that are dangerous if abused:

Amphetamines (speed, uppers) can make you rush around wildly and carelessly, pushing yourself beyond your physical capacity.

Sedatives (downers) slow your mental processes and reflexes – very dangerous in any position requiring alertness. Personal dangers of abusing these “legal” substances, including alcohol, range from disrupting family relationships to serious health problems, including liver and kidney damage.

Student Assistance Program

Limited assistance is available through the college’s counseling department. The college has a number of appropriate public and private facilities through which it may suggest students seek professional help.

In all instances, referrals and clinical records are confidential. Information concerning the results of program participation is made available to the college only if the client is willing to sign a release of information.

All students who receive college-administered financial assistance are required to sign a statement of commitment to be drug free.

Disciplinary Sanctions for Drug and Alcohol Abuse

College of Central Florida: the college will impose sanctions on students and employees for any violation of the college’s Drug-Free Institution Policy consistent with state and federal law. Possible sanctions include suspension, termination, expulsion, participation in a drug rehabilitation program, referral for prosecution, or other such action the college deems appropriate. Primary candidates who test positive for the illegal use of drugs will be ineligible for employment at the college for a minimum of six months following the college’s receipt of the confirmed positive test results. Refusal to submit to a drug/alcohol test will be treated as a confirmed positive test result for purposes of employment and employee discipline. The Following minimum penalties shall be imposed for the particular offenses described.

For the illegal sale, delivery, or possession with the intent to deliver, of any controlled substance identified in Schedules I and II of Chapter 893.03 of the Florida Statutes (including but not limited to heroin, cannabis, mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), opium, cocaine, amphetamine, and MDA (ecstasy, methaqualone) any student shall be expelled and any faculty member, administrator or other employee shall be discharged

For the illegal manufacture sale or delivery, or possession with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver, of any controlled substance identified in Schedules III through V of Chapter  893.03 of the Florida Statutes (including, but not limited to steroids, diazepam and Phenobarbital) the penalty may include suspension from enrollment or employment.  For a second offense, any student shall be expelled and any faculty member, administrator or other employee shall be discharged.

Possession, sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus or at off-campus college sponsored activities is prohibited unless specifically authorized.  Alcoholic beverages include, but are not limited to beer, wine, distilled spirits, wine coolers and liqueurs.

Students, faculty and staff in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary actions as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, or according to college disciplinary procedures.

For a first offense involving the illegal possession of any controlled substance identified in Schedules I or II of Chapter 893.03 of the Florida Statutes, the minimum penalty for students and employees shall be suspension.

For a first offense involving the illegal possession of any controlled substance identified in Schedules III through V of Chapter 893.03 of the Florida Statutes, the minimum penalty shall be probation for a period to be determined on a case-by-case basis.  A person on probation must agree to participate in a drug education and counseling program, consent to follow-up drug testing, and accept other conditions as the college deems appropriate.

For refusal or failure to abide by the terms of probation or for subsequent offenses involving the illegal possession of drugs, progressively more severe penalties shall be imposed, including expulsion of students and discharge of employees.  These penalties will be imposed in accordance with college disciplinary procedures. 

State of Florida: The legal drinking age in Florida is 21. Selling, giving, or serving alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 is unlawful. The possession of alcoholic beverages by persons under 21 is unlawful. It is unlawful for a person under 21 to misrepresent his or her age in order to obtain alcohol. ‘This includes the manufacture or use of false identification. It is unlawful to use altered identification for the purpose of procuring alcoholic beverages. Possession of alcoholic beverages by a person under the age of 21 may also result in the curtailment of driving privileges. DUI penalties may include mandatory driver’s license suspension, fines, community service, and imprisonment.

Under state law, it is a crime for any person to possess or distribute controlled substances/drugs as described in Section 893.03, Florida Statutes, except as authorized by law.  Punishment for such crime ranges from first-degree misdemeanors (up to one year imprisonment and up to a $1,000. fine) to first-degree felonies (up to 30 years imprisonment and up to a $10,000. fine). The driving privilege may also be affected if any of these crimes are committed. Convictions on drug-related charges may result in forfeiture of federal financial aid.

Trafficking, distributing specified large quantities of various controlled substances, is punishable by a prison term of between 3-25 years and a fine of between $25,000-$500,000 depending on the particular illicit drug and the quantity involved.

Federal: Possible federal sanctions for illegal possession of a controlled -substance or drug trafficking range from 1-20 years in prison and between $1,000 and $8,000,000 in fines depending on the particular substance and quantity involved, whether death or serious bodily injury resulted and the number of previous felony drug convictions.   Additional sanctions may include forfeiture of personal and real property, denial of federal benefits and loss of eligibility to receive or purchase a firearm. Drug possessors may also be subject to a civil fine of up to $10,000.


In 2003 the Florida Legislature passed Florida Statute 1006.69, which requires all postsecondary educational institutions to provide students with detailed information about meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis B.

Although College of Central Florida does not require vaccination against meningococcal disease or Hepatitis B for students, we strongly encourage everyone attending the College to be aware of the symptoms, risk factors, preventative measures and cure for these diseases.

Meningococcal Disease
College students have been found to be at an increased risk for meningitis. The bacteria are spread by respiratory secretions and direct contact with an infected person. An acute bacterial disease, characterized by sudden symptoms of fever, intense headache, nausea and often vomiting, stiff neck and frequently a petechial (small purplish red spots) rash which may appear pink in color. Symptoms may mimic Influenza, however Influenza rarely has vomiting or other gastrointestinal symptoms. Approximately 2500 to 3000 individuals are diagnosed with Meningococcal disease in the United States annually. Most cases seem to occur in the late winter to early spring. Although Meningococcal disease is primarily seen among very small children, this disease occurs commonly in children and young adults. College students particularly whom reside in dormitories may be at increase risk for Meningococcal disease. The general population may have an incidence of 1.1 per 100,000 while those students in dormitories have a rate of 3 to 5 cases per 100,000.

Transmission occurs by direct contact, including droplets from the nose and throat of infected persons. The exchange of salvia by kissing, sharing of food utensils, and sharing cigarettes is the most common modes of transmission among college students.

Before early diagnosis, modern therapy and supportive measures the death rate exceeded 50%. The vaccine is administered with 1 dose for individuals = 2 years of age. The following individuals should not be vaccinated with this vaccine if:

  • They had a serous allergic reaction to a previous dose of this vaccine
  • Individuals who are mildly ill at the time of scheduled Meningococcal vaccine

Hepatitis B
The Hepatitis B Vaccine is given in a series of three shots, most commonly given over a period of six months. This vaccine is considered one of the safest vaccines ever developed. It is not a live virus, so there is not chance of contracting hepatitis from the vaccine. Among the possible side effects are mild arm soreness and fatigue, headache, or fever.

Hepatitis B is a virus that infects the liver. With this disease signs and symptoms occur in about 30 to 50% of patients infected. Only 30% have jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes). Children under the age of 5 rarely have symptoms of hepatitis. When and if symptoms occur, patients may show signs of jaundice, fatigue, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and joint pain. Some patients will become chronically infected with Hepatitis B. This will occur in up to 90% of children born to mothers who are infected, 30% of children infected at 1-5 years, and 6% of persons infected after age 5. Death from chronic liver disease occurs in 15-25% of chronically infected persons.

1.5 million individuals are chronic carriers of Hepatitis B in the United States. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 5% of the world’s populations are chronically infected with Hepatitis B. One million die from Hepatitis B worldwide each year. Some countries particularly in the African American and Asian continents may have > 10% of population chronically infected with Hepatitis B. In the United States 80 to 100 thousand become infected and approximately 5000 die annually from Hepatitis B.

Risk factors for Hepatitis B are individuals whom have multiple sex partners or diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases, men who have sex with men, sex contacts of infected persons, injection drug users, household contacts of chronically infected persons, infants born to infected mothers, infants/children of immigrants from areas with high rates of Hepatitis B, some health care workers, and hemodialysis patients.

The following individuals should not be vaccinated with this vaccine if:

  • They have ever had a life threatening allergic reaction to baker’s yeast (used to make bread)
  • A severe allergic reaction to previous dose of Hepatitis vaccine
  • Individuals who are moderately or severely ill at the time of a scheduled vaccine with Hepatitis B (they should wait until they recover from the condition).

Individuals who take these vaccines should have few if any side effects. These diseases are always much more severe than the vaccine. A few individuals may experience:

  • Soreness and/or redness where the shot was administered, lasting a day or two
  • Mild to moderate fever, again lasting a day or two
  • Severe reaction is extremely rare!

Pregnant individuals and students who are ill should not receive the Hepatitis B vaccine.

Check with your family physician or local health department about receiving your vaccination.

Reference: CDC. Prevention and Control of Meningococcal Disease: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunizations Practices (ACIP), MMWR June 30, 2000: 49 (RR-07); 1-10

Immunization Action Coalition


CF Policy
College of Central Florida will not tolerate the criminal act or attempted act of sexual assault (rape). Those students found in violation of this policy will be subject to dismissal in accordance with the procedures of the student code of conduct.

Employees found in violation of these policies will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination in accordance with the District Board of Trustees and/or Community College policies and procedures.

College of Central Florida , through its Public Safety department, will refer all rape or attempted rape cases occurring on CF property to local and state law enforcement agencies for prosecution and for other action as determined by those agencies.

Sexual Predators on Campus
Federal and State law requires a person designated as a “sexual predator or offender” to register with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).

Information regarding sexual predators or offenders attending or employed by CF may be obtained from the local law enforcement agency with jurisdiction, by calling FDLE hot line (1-888-FL-PREDATOR), or by visiting the FDLE website at

Educational Programs
College of Central Florida is committed to enhancing the safety of our students through campus programs designed to build awareness and promote prevention of acquaintance and date rape and forcible and non-forcible sex offenses. Activities to educate students on these topics may include, but are not limited to, Campus Safety Week, self-defense presentations, speakers, and small group discussions.

Sexual assault, commonly referred to as rape, is one of the most unreported of all major crimes. Sexual Assault (rape) is generally categorized by laymen into three areas based on the characterization of the rapist, i.e. stranger rape, date/acquaintance rape and gang/group rape.

Stranger rape is the sexual assault of an individual by someone the victim does not know. Some reported statistics about stranger rapes are:

  • About 3 in 10 rapes by strangers occur on the streets; about 2 in 20 occur at the victim’s home.
  • Rapes committed by strangers are more likely to be reported to the police than rapes by non-strangers.
  • Stranger rapists are more likely to have a weapon than non-stranger rapists. The weapons are likely to be guns or knives.

Date or acquaintance rape is the sexual assault of an individual by someone who the victim knows, usually an acquaintance or date. Date rape is the most common type of rape occurring on college or university campuses, but the least frequently reported.

Oftentimes date/acquaintance rapes are not accepted as “rapes” by the victims, the victims’ families and friends or by the public. The myth that only strangers commit rape has been falsely accepted and perpetuated for generations. A RAPE IS A RAPE.

Many date/acquaintance rapes occur in the home of either the victim or the rapist. Loud music is often played to drown out the protests of the victim.

Acquaintance rapes usually happen after the first meeting or between two “friends” at a residence complex. The rapist may be a classmate acquaintance.

Date rapes often take place on the second or third date because most female victims tend to be more on guard during the first date.

Acquaintance and date rapes frequently result from aggressive male behavior combined with one or more of the following:

  1. A lack of clear understanding concerning the intention(s) and expectation(s) of both people;
  2. A perception of the lack of assertive behavior on the part of the victim; or
  3. Vulnerability of the victim resulting from the use of alcohol or drugs, or from stress, fatigue, et cetera.

Victims of date/acquaintance rape are inclined to feel guiltier than other rape victims because they knew the person and perhaps made a value judgment that the person was honest and trustworthy. Therefore, the victims erroneously assume that they must have been at fault. THE RAPIST IS THE WRONGDOER. A victim is NEVER responsible for being raped.

The rape often makes the victims feel that they can no longer separate the “nice” people from the “bad” people. Subsequent socialization or interaction becomes difficult.

Many victims of date/acquaintance rape are less likely to discuss the incident or report it to the police or others. Therefore, they usually do not seek counseling and often drop out of college. Therefore, it is imperative that a rape victim be advised to seek counseling.

Group/gang rape is the sexual assault of an individual by multiple perpetrators. The Florida Legislature has decreed that an act of sexual battery, when committed by more than one person, presents a great danger to the public and is extremely offensive to society. Accordingly, it has enhanced the penalties for acts of sexual battery when committed by multiple perpetrators. Florida Statutes, Section 794.023.

  • Gang rapes may take place in dormitories, at off-campus parties, and in vehicles.
  • Voyeurism is linked with gang rape. Those not directly involved may watch and encourage the active rapist(s) to continue with the rape.
  • Alcohol and/or drugs are usually connected with campus gang rapes.
  • Some gang rapes are planned in advance

Sexual Assault is a crime of violence, aggression, and power. It is not a crime of passion. Some other facts that you need to know about sexual assaults as compiled and published by the Office of Crime of the Office of Justice Programs, United States Department of Justice, are indicated below. These facts, although not exhaustive, were derived from the National Crime Survey which covered the period 1973 – 1987.

  • Two thirds of all rapes occur at night, usually between midnight and 6:00 a.m.
  • Women aged 16 to 24 are three times more likely to be raped than are other women. This age pattern is similar for black and white women. (NOTE: A rape victim may be an infant or an elderly person. Do not let this statistic give you a false sense of security!)
  • Rapists and their victims are likely to be of the same race.
  • More than half of the victims of completed rapes received medical care for the rape or injury.
  • Women who live in places like dormitories and those in apartment houses with four or more units are more likely to be raped than are other women.
  • When rape victims themselves reported the crime to the police, the reason they cited most frequently was to prevent the rape from happening again.
  • Victims of completed rape mentioned that they needed help (counseling) after the incident more frequently than did victims of attempted rape.
  • If you are Assaulted try to keep a clear head. Go with your instincts. Depending on the circumstances, you may decide to run, scream, kick, hit, bite, or attempt to talk him out of it.
  • Keep in mind that your goal is to escape safely. But, if you believe your life is in danger, do not resist.
  • Every rape situation is different. Do not feel guilty about what you did or did not do during a rape. You are not to blame.

If you are Assaulted
If you are raped do not douche, shower, change your clothes or disturb the crime scene; do not destroy any physical evidence; call 911 (you may request a female or male officer).

If you do not call 911, visit a hospital emergency room.

Advent Health, 352-351-7200
Ocala Regional Medical Center, 352-401-1000
HCA Florida Citrus Hospital, 352-726-1551
Tampa General Crystal River Hospital, 352-795-8335
Levy County Nature Coast Regional Hospital, 352-528-2801
Shands Hospital, 352-265-0111
Rape Crisis, 1-800-500-1119

At the emergency room you will be checked and treated for any visible physical injuries strictly at your option. If necessary, a complete internal examination will also be performed to establish the extent of any injuries as well as to collect any specimen should you decide to prosecute.

When appropriate, you will be offered medication to prevent STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases) or pregnancy. You will not be given any medication to which you object. An HIV Test (AIDS) will be administered with written consent.

Psychological Support
Whether or not you report the rape and participate in legal action, you should consult a trained Rape Crisis Counselor, Rape Crisis Center or Counseling Center.

Rape Crisis Center, 1-800-500-1119
CF Counseling
     Ocala Campus, 352-873-5802
     Citrus Campus, 352-249-1202
     Hampton Center, 352-427-4640
     Levy Campus, 352-658-4077

Although no two rapes are the same nor do two victims feel the same, there are some general feelings that many victims have.

  • You might feel guilty because you are afraid you did not do enough to fight off your attacker.
  • You might feel angry and mad, and take your anger out on those you love.
  • You might feel afraid that your attacker will come back.
  • You might feel ashamed of what has happened to you.
  • You might feel helpless because it seems you have lost control of your life and/or the situation.
  • You might feel unclean, even after bathing.
  • You might be afraid to tell anyone for fear that they will change toward you.
  • You might be afraid to report the crime for fear of retaliation.

Young boys and men who are sexually assaulted should report the crime and seek medical assistance and counseling also. Males, just as females, experience fear, anger, depression, and other emotions. The need by males to talk to someone about their emotions is just as real and important.

Disciplinary Sanctions for Sexual Assault
The commission of sexual battery is considered a felony under most circumstances in the State of Florida. Felonies are classified, for the purpose of sentencing and for any other purpose specifically provided by statute, into the following categories with the following prescribed penalties:

Capital Felony – Life imprisonment, of which no less than 25 years must be served before becoming eligible for parole unless the proceeding held to determine sentence results in the finding that such person shall be punished by death.

Life Felony – For a life felony committed on or after October 1, 1983 , a term of imprisonment for life or a term of imprisonment not exceeding 40 years.

Felony of the First Degree – A term of imprisonment not exceeding 30 years or, when specifically provided by statute, by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life imprisonment.

Felony of the Second Degree – A term of imprisonment not exceeding 15 years.

Felony of the Third Degree – A term of imprisonment not exceeding 5 years.

Whether a person is charged and/or convicted of a particular felony in the State of Florida will depend on certain acts or circumstances existing during the commission of the sexual assault, e.g. the age of the victim; the use or threat of a deadly weapon or the use of actual physical force likely to cause serious personal injury; use of drugs or intoxicating substances; incapacitating the victim, mentally, or physically; the number of perpetrators involved in the crime; or if the offender is a habitual felony offender, etc.

College of Central Florida may summarily dismiss or expel any student, pending a hearing at a later date if requested, who is convicted of or pleaded guilty to a criminal offense of a kind which interferes with the educational or orderly operation of the college, or a kind which, if the student were allowed to remain enrolled would endanger the health, safety or property of the members of the academic community.

Profile of a Rapist
A rapist is not distinguishable by his looks or intelligence. Most rapists who have been studied rate normally on psychological tests except for a slightly higher rate on expressing anger. They can look like the boy next door or any well-respected member of the community.

However, experts on sexual assaults have identified some behavioral characteristics and personality traits that merit the attention of prudent and observant persons.

Stranger rapist:

  • Selects his victim and initiates the attack on the basis of opportunity, usually selecting someone who appears vulnerable and alone.
  • Often has consenting sexual relationships, but chooses to rape both because he enjoys overpowering and degrading his victims and as a vent to his feelings of hostility, aggression and inferiority. Sex is not the motivating factor, only the mode of expression.
  • Is emotionally unstable, yet deals with life on a day-to-day basis in a reasonably normal and competent manner.
  • Has difficulty relating to others in a permanent or lasting fashion.
  • Could be an exhibitionist or a “peeping tom”, since these acts may be only a part of a fantasy which includes rape.
  • Does not understand or recognize the rights of an individual.

Acquaintance/date rapist:

  • Acts immaturely, shows little empathy or feeling for others and displays little social conscience.
  • Displays anger or aggression either physically or verbally. The anger need not be directed toward you, but may be displayed during conversations by general negative references to women, vulgarity, curtness towards others, and the like. Often views women as adversaries.
  • Acts macho and discusses acts of physical prowess.
  • Displays a short temper, slaps and/or twists arms.
  • Acts excessively jealous and/or possessive about you. Be especially suspicious of this behavior if you have recently met the person or are on a first or second date.
  • Ignores your wishes.
  • Attempts to make you feel guilty, or accuses you of being “uptight.”
  • Becomes hostile and/or increasingly more aggressive when you say “no.”
  • Acts particularly friendly at a party or bar and tries to separate you from your friends.
  • Insists on being alone with you on a first date.
  • Demands your attention or compliance at inappropriate times, such as during a class.
  • Asks personal questions and is interested in knowing more about you than you want to tell him.
  • Subscribes excessively to traditional male/female stereotypes

Victim’s Rights

Victims of crimes, including the next of kin of homicide victims, have the right to be informed, to be present, and to be heard when relevant, at all crucial stages of a criminal proceeding, to the extent that this right does not interfere with the constitutional rights of the accused.

What rights are victims entitled to?

  • Information concerning available crisis intervention services, supportive or bereavement counseling, and community-based victim compensation.
  • Information about the role of the victim in the criminal justice system, the stages in the criminal justice process which are of significance to a crime victim, and the manner in which such information can be obtained.
  • Information concerning available protection from intimidation for victims and witnesses.
  • Advance notification of judicial and post-judicial proceedings which relate to the arrest or release of the accused, the arraignment, trial, sentencing, or appeal of the accused, provided that you give the State Attorney’s Office your name and current address.
  • In felony crimes, consultation by the State Attorney’s Office to obtain the views of the victim or victim’s family about the release of the accused, plea negotiations, participation in intervention programs, and the sentencing of the accused.
  • Return of the victim’s property collected by law enforcement or the State Attorney’s Office for evidentiary purposes.
  • Assistance from law enforcement or the State Attorney’s Office, when requested by victims, to inform the victim’s employer about necessary absences from work and to inform the victim’s creditors about serious financial hardship incurred as a result of the crime.
  • May request restitution from the offender for certain out-of-pocket losses.
  • May submit a Victim Impact Statement orally, or in writing, to the judge prior to the sentencing of an offender who pleads guilty or nolo contend ere, or who is convicted of a felony crime.
  • Information concerning the escape of the offender from a state correctional institution, county jail, juvenile detention facility, or involuntary commitment facility.


CF is committed to:

  • To prohibit direct examination and questioning of the victim by the offender/offenders in community college proceedings.
  • To prohibit the victim’s past sexual history from being admitted as testimony in college proceedings.
  • To allow the victim to submit to the Hearing Body a Victim Impact Statement, which includes a statement of an appropriate penalty if the offender is found in violation of the College of Central Florida Code of Student Conduct.
  • To authorize the Vice President for Student Affairs to issue an immediate Administrative Restraining Order forbidding the offender from all contact with the victim.
  • To authorize the Vice President for Student Affairs to establish an immediate reassignment of classes for the offender when both the offender and victim attend the same classes.
  • To provide on-campus counseling services to victims of sexual assault.
  • To adhere to dates of hearings/proceedings decided upon, in order to prevent further stress being inflicted upon the victim because of uncertainty.
  • The accuser and the accused [in regard to sex crimes] are entitled to the same opportunity to have others present during a disciplinary proceeding.
  • Both the accuser and the accused must be informed of the outcome of any institutional disciplinary proceeding brought alleging a sex offense.