CF is monitoring the Gulf Winter Weather System. There are no plans to close at this time. Check back for updates.

RAVE Alert System

Campus Safety

RAVE Alert System

RAVE Alert System is a service the college is providing to students and employees for their safety. It is a communication medium which will allow instant communications to campus community members’ cell phones and email accounts in the event of an emergency. Registered users will receive messages with updates and instructions from the college should an emergency take place on campus.

How do I Register? You do not have to register. All employees and students who have an e-mail address on file at CF are automatically registered. Go to, click on MyCF portal and log in using your CF ID and password. Then, click on the red “Go to Rave” button. You may add mobile phone numbers (for text messages), voice only phone numbers and email addresses for yourself and family members. It is recommended that you generate a test message to added numbers and addresses to confirm they are working correctly.

What kind of messages will I receive? At this time, RAVE will be used only for emergency communications to advise you of situations requiring immediate action or evacuation. Examples might include an active shooter or hostile intruder incident, bomb threat, hazardous material incident or weather emergency that might interrupt normal campus activities or operations. The system will be tested periodically so occasional ‘test’ messages will appear.

Is there any cost? There is no cost to register. Text messages that are received would be subject to your cell provider’s allocation or fee for receiving text (SMS) messages.

What happens when I graduate or no longer work at the college? Students or staff who are no longer enrolled or employed at CF will be removed from the alert list.

The RAVE Alert System helps ensure the safety of the students, faculty and staff of the College of Central Florida.

Also check the front page of our website, and our main CF Facebook page for emergency notifications.