CF is monitoring the Gulf Winter Weather System. There are no plans to close at this time. Check back for updates.

Parking Rules

Campus Safety

Parking Rules

Quick Links to Information

General Information

Visitors to Campus

Parking Decals

School Bus Parking

Students with Access to Staff Decals

Assistance to Motorists

Special Parking Permits


Electric Vehicle Parking 

Fines and Penalties

Fuel Efficient Vehicle Parking

Traffic Court

General Information

The following rules and regulations govern vehicular traffic and parking on the CF Ocala, Citrus, and Levy campuses in addition to the Hampton Center. They are enforced by the CF Public Safety Department and local law enforcement agencies.

Parking spaces are clearly defined by:

  • white bumper or no bumper for students;
  • red curbs/bumpers for staff;
  • green bumpers for visitors; and
  • blue curbs/bumpers for handicapped parking.

The rules and regulations as described in this handbook are in effect 24 hours each day including weekends, holidays, mid-term breaks, and out-of-class times. Inclement weather will not alter their enforcement. Violators are subject to citations, fines, immobilization devices (boots), and/or towing at the owner’s risk and expense.

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Parking Decals

All motor vehicles (including motorcycles and motor scooters) driven and/or parked on the Ocala or Citrus campus by students, faculty or staff must be registered with the CF Public Safety Department and display an appropriate parking decal.

Visitors to the Ocala or Citrus Campus must obtain a Special Parking Permit from their host, or the Public Safety Department.

All persons bringing vehicles onto the Ocala, Levy, or Citrus Campus are subject to posted traffic and parking regulations.

Student Decals

Credit Students

All students are issued a CF parking decal upon presentation of a completed vehicle registration form. The decal must be firmly affixed to the outside of the rear window on the driver’s side of the vehicle and be plainly visible from the rear. The decal location for motorcycles is on the front right fork. A separate decal must be obtained for each vehicle. Decals may not be switched from one vehicle to another.

On or before the first day of class, the student should submit the completed vehicle registration form for the issuance of a current decal. The form can be submitted to the Public Safety Office on the Ocala Campus or the Admissions Office on the Citrus Campus.

Additional decals may be obtained, and a $5 service fee is assessed for each additional decal. The Ocala Campus has vehicle registration forms available at the Public Safety Department.

Students with access to a vehicle bearing a faculty/staff decal may not park in the “Reserved” areas.
Students may not park in those spaces designated for “VISITORS”.

Non-Credit and Extended Studies Students

Students enrolled in non-credit or extended studies classes are issued a Special Parking Permit that is valid for the duration of the class only. These permits are issued by the department or instructor responsible for the class. The permit should be displayed on the driver’s side dashboard of the vehicle in such a manner that the expiration date printed on the permit is clearly visible.

Non-credit and extended studies students should park only in student spaces.


Persons riding motorcycles are requested to park in “MOTORCYCLE PARKING ONLY” spaces located at the following locations on campus:

  • Parking Lot #2 in the parking lot across the street from Buildings #1 and 2 near the apartments
  • Parking Lot #4A in the parking lot across the street from Building #4 near the apartments
  • Parking Lot #6 in the parking lot located on the north side of the Gymnasium
  • Parking Lot #7 in the small parking lot located on the west end of Building #7
  • Parking Lot #32 in the Bookstore Parking Lot located on the south end of the parking lot near Building #31

Administrator, Faculty and Staff Decals

New employees on the Ocala Campus should visit the Public Safety Department to register a vehicle. The parking decal must be firmly affixed to the rear window on the driver’s side of the vehicle and be plainly visible from the rear.

The parking decal will expire on June 30th of each even-numbered year.

Citrus Campus employees may register their vehicles and obtain decals at the Admissions Office of the Citrus Campus.

Faculty and staff may not park in those spaces designated for visitors; they may park in spaces marked reserved.

Disabled Person Parking Spaces

Only persons displaying an official Disabled Person Parking Permit issued by an authorized state agency may park in the designated disabled person parking spaces. CF cannot issue temporary Disabled Person Parking Permits; they can be obtained only from the state. (Contact your doctor and local tag office for further information.)

Local law enforcement agencies may issue citations for unauthorized use of a designated disabled person parking space, which may not be appealed through CF’s Traffic Court.

Fees and Refunds

Parking fees are included in the Public Safety fees authorized by the College of Central Florida District District Board of Trustees. There is no separate fee for the parking decal other than the $5 service fee required for the issuance of additional or replacement decals.

The $5 service fee for additional and/or replacement decals is non-refundable.

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Students with Access to Staff Decals

Student Assistants are not authorized to receive faculty decals and must park in student spaces.

Students with access to a vehicle bearing a faculty/staff decal may not park in the “Reserved” areas.

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Special Parking Permits

Special Parking Permits for special events and activities may be obtained from the Public Safety Department and/or each department secretary. They are provided without charge and are valid only for the date(s) issued. Special Parking Permits should be displayed on the driver’s side dashboard of the vehicle in such a manner that the expiration date of the permit is clearly visible.

Staff and/or students who have registered a vehicle with the Public Safety Department but wish to use a non-registered vehicle temporarily may obtain a temporary Special Parking Permit from the Public Safety Department.

Persons with Special Parking Permits should park only in the designated parking marked on their special parking permit.

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Electric Vehicles

The college has provided two charging stations for electronic vehicles. These stations are located in Parking Lot 32A, which can be accessed through the parking lot with the Bookstore and Post Office, the stations are near Founders Hall (Building 1) in the parking lot. 

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Fuel Efficient Vehicle Parking

The college has provided two parking spaces for fuel efficient vehicles outside of Founders Hall (Building 1).

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Visitors to Campus

Visitor parking spaces are marked VISITOR and have a green cement bumper.

Individual visitors are issued a Special Parking Permit by the host office and directed to the proper parking area.

Groups of visitors (i.e. participants in seminars, attendees of special events such as athletic contests or performances in the auditorium) are issued a Special Parking Permit by the host office, directed to the proper parking area and, where practical, informed of the CF traffic rules and parking regulations. It is the responsibility of the host organization to coordinate with the Public Safety Department for a dedicated parking area and traffic control assistance prior to the event.

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School Bus Parking

School bus drivers must unload bus passengers at the “BUS UNLOADING ZONE” sign on the north side of the east/west street between the gym parking lot and the baseball field. After unloading the buses, drivers are to continue west on this street and drivers are to park buses in the lot marked “BUS PARKING ONLY.” Passengers will board their buses at this designated parking area for the return trip.

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Assistance to Motorists

Emergency assistance to open locked doors and jump-start weak batteries is available from the Public Safety Department for vehicles with a valid CF parking decal or Special Parking Permit. However, before any assistance can be provided, the requestor must show a valid driver’s license and sign a CF Release of Liability form.

CF will do everything reasonably prudent to monitor the parking areas and prevent burglary and damage to vehicles and property; however, all individuals who bring a vehicle on campus must be fully aware that the college does not warrant any such protection. Further, CF does not assume any responsibility for damage or loss of vehicles or properties contained therein.

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Citations are issued by the Public Safety Department for violations of the CF Traffic and Parking Regulations. The original of the citation is placed on the windshield of the offending vehicle, and a copy is delivered to the Public Safety Office and made a matter of record.
Students who fail to honor a citation will not be permitted to register, graduate, or have a transcript processed until the fine is paid.


The following circumstances are cause for the issuance of a citation:

  1. Operating or parking a vehicle on the Ocala campus without a valid CF parking decal or permit properly displayed.
  2. Parking a vehicle on the grass, sidewalks, driveways, or any area not clearly defined by painted lines as a parking area.
  3. Parking in a disabled person space without an official Disabled Person Parking Permit.
  4. Parking in a reserved area without proper authorization.
  5. Stopping or parking in a manner that blocks or interrupts normal traffic flow.
  6. Operating a vehicle sound system at an excessive volume. Radios or stereos audible at 100 feet are considered excessive.


The following circumstances are cause for the placing of an immobilization device (boot) on / towing of an offending vehicle:

  1. Parking a vehicle on the grass, sidewalks, driveways, or any area not clearly defined by painted lines as a parking area.
  2. Parking in a manner that blocks normal traffic flow.
  3. Parking in a manner that hinders emergency or service vehicle access.
  4. An additional violation after receipt of three or more citations or warnings in one term.
  5. Flagrant violation of these rules and regulations.

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Fines and Penalties

Fines are $15 for each citation issued; the fine for parking illegally in a handicapped area is $50. Parking fines are payable at the cashier’s window within four weeks. Unpaid parking citations will be sent to collections, and will prohibit future college registration or release of transcripts.

A vehicle may be booted or towed for the reasons previously cited. The fine for removal of an immobilization device (boot) is $50 plus any outstanding parking fines, which is payable at the cashier’s window. The cost of redeeming a vehicle that has been towed is determined by and paid to the towing firm utilized.

NOTE: In compliance with Florida Statutes, CF uses all monies received for traffic/parking fines for student financial aid purposes ONLY.

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Traffic Court

Citations may be appealed for mitigating circumstances. Persons wishing to appeal an issued citation CLICK to APPEAL HERE, completing the form and any required documentation.

CF’s Traffic Court is conducted through the Student Activities Board, the central governing student group on campus. The Student Traffic Court consists of three students who serve as Court Justices and is conducted on specified Mondays and Wednesdays at 12 noon in Building 5 Room 106. Appearances before the court are on a first-come, first-served basis. All students filing an appeal are required to appear before the Court. Students only enrolled in evening classes or who attend a CF campus other than Ocala may request that their appeal be considered without their attendance. Failure to appear as scheduled will result in an automatic denial of the appeal.


When an appeal is denied by the Traffic Court, the fine must be paid.

When an appeal is approved by the Traffic Court, the Vice President for Student Affairs will notify the Public Safety Department, and the citation will be voided and withdrawn from the records.

Parking citations appeals must be filed within 10 business days of the issued date. Failure to submit the appeal within 10 days of issue will result in an automatic denial of the appeal – and the ticket must be paid.

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