CF is monitoring the Gulf Winter Weather System. There are no plans to close at this time. Check back for updates.


Campus Safety


Murder: Murder and manslaughter as defined in the FBI “Uniform Crime Reports” is the willful (non-negligent) killing of one human being by another. The classification of the offense, as for all other Crime Index offenses, is based solely on police investigation as opposed to the determination of a court, medical examiner, coroner, jury or judicial body. Not included in the count for the offense classification are the deaths caused by negligence, suicide, accident, justifiable homicides or attempts to murder or assaults to murder, which are scored as aggravated assaults.

Forcible Sexual Assault: Forcible sexual assault or sexual battery upon an unwilling victim is more often referred to as rape. Attempts to commit rape by force or threat of force are included. Under Florida law, rape victims may be male or female.

Nonforcible Sexual Assault: This classification includes statutory rape (victim under the legal age of consent), incest and other illegal sex offenses.

Robbery: Robbery is the taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or violence and/or putting the victim in fear.

Aggravated Assault: Aggravated assault is an unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault is usually accompanied by the use of a weapon or by means likely to produce death or great bodily harm. Attempts are included since it is not necessary that an injury result when a gun, knife or other weapon is used which could and probably would result in serious personal injury if the crime were successfully completed.

Burglary: The Uniform Crime Reporting Program defines burglary as the unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft. The use of force to gain entry is not required to classify an offense as burglary. Burglary in the Uniform Crime Reporting Program is categorized into three sub classifications: forcible entry, unlawful entry where no force is used, and attempted forcible entry.

Arson: Arson is the willful and unlawful use of fire or explosives to damage or cause to be damaged any dwelling, structure or its contents, whether or not in the commission of any felony.

Motor Vehicle Theft: Defined as the theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle, this offense includes the stealing of automobiles, trucks, buses, motorcycles, motor scooters, snowmobiles, etc. The definition excludes the taking of a motor vehicle for temporary use by those persons having lawful access.

Off Campus Crime: The Ocala Police Department has been requested to provide CF with crime data for the areas surrounding the Ocala and Hampton campuses, including College Square Apartments, and will notify the campus Public Safety department when a security problem arises. These crime statistics are available for review in the Public Safety office. The Citrus and Levy County Sheriffs Offices have been requested to provide information for those campuses.

Hate Crimes: Murder, sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, manslaughter and any other crime involving bodily injury to any person in which the victim is intentionally selected because of actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or disability of the victim is classed as a hate crime and will be reported according to the category of prejudice. When relevant, statistics for reported crimes and arrests on campus will indicate the number of those that manifest evidence of prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation or ethnicity.

Weapons on Campus: Firearms and other dangerous weapons (as determined by the Public Safety Department on an individual basis) are prohibited on campus, even for those individuals who have a valid Florida concealed weapons permit. The campus environment will be conducive to learning. Thus, the president is authorized to establish rules which foster the learning environment, protect life and property, and promote the safety and security of campus buildings, property and occupants. Specific prohibitions on campus include:

1. Firearms or other dangerous weapons with the exception of:

    a. Law enforcement officials legally authorized to carry such weapons.
    b. Authorized classroom demonstrations of an unloaded weapon.
    c. Firearms that are securely encased or otherwise not readily accessible for immediate use that are stored in vehicles owned by people age 18 or older.