CF is closed for Spring Break from March 17-21.

Events Calendar

Ocala Dual Enrollment Orientation Session

Ocala Campus 3001 SW College Rd, Ocala

Interested in Dual Enrollment? Attend an orientation session to learn more about the program, how to apply, what the requirements are, and meet with CF staff. Qualified high school students may accelerate their college education through dual enrollment courses offered at the high school or a CF campus location. Attendance at one orientation session is required …

Levy Dual Enrollment Orientation Session

Levy Campus 15390 N.W. Highway 19, Chiefland

Interested in Dual Enrollment? Attend an orientation session to learn more about the program, how to apply, what the requirements are, and meet with CF staff. Qualified high school students may accelerate their college education through dual enrollment courses offered at the high school or a CF campus location. Attendance at one orientation session is required …

Virtual Information Session


Find out all about the College of Central Florida during this virtual information session. Join one of our admissions advisors for a live 45-minute presentation and Q&A session covering everything you need to know about CF: the admissions process, financial aid, academic programs, university partnerships, campus amenities, student services and more. Information session attendees will …

Farm Share Food Distribution Event with CF and Rep. Harding

Ocala Campus 3001 SW College Rd, Ocala

CF, Rep. Joe Harding and Farm Share have partnered to host a food distribution event at the CF Ocala Campus Saturday, April 16 at 10 a.m. The food will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Visitors should enter the campus from the main entrance on College Road and will exit on Southwest 20th Street. The …