CF is closed for Spring Break from March 17-21.

Events Calendar

Mass Casualty Student Training

Ocala Campus 3001 SW College Rd, Ocala

When an EMS system gets a call with multiple people hurt, it requires a means to sort the most severely injured or sick patients and provide those who are more severe more expeditious transport to a medical facility or higher level of care.  CF's Mass Casualty Incident event helps train our students how to do …

Career and Internship Fair

Ocala Campus 3001 SW College Rd, Ocala

Attend this event at the Ocala Campus, Ewers Century Center (Building 40) to learn about the great opportunities available in our community and network with local employers looking for qualified candidates. If you are an employer and would like to be part of this event, please contact   Participating Companies: BayCare Bennett Motor Express …

Simulation Center Tour

Hampton Center 1501 W. Silver Springs Blvd., Ocala

Thinking about starting a career in health sciences? We invite you to join us at the Ocala Campus Simulation Center on Friday, March 24, at 11 a.m.-1 p.m. for a tour! At this event, you can see firsthand what the high-fidelity simulators are able to do as part of the curriculum for CF's health sciences …

Allied Health Building Walk-Through

Ocala Campus 3001 SW College Rd, Ocala

CF's newest facility, the Allied Health building, is now open! Allied Health will host CF's Surgical Services, Respiratory Care, Cardiovascular Technology and Sonography programs. We invite you to join us on Friday, March 24, at 2 p.m. for a building walk-through. At this event, you can explore the program classrooms, labs and student lounge in …