CF is closed for winter break from Dec. 18 - Jan. 1. See Details

Events Calendar

Levy County Careers and Colleges

Levy Campus 15390 N.W. Highway 19, Chiefland

Join us for the biggest colleges and careers event of the year. This free event is your opportunity to explore career paths at the top higher education institutions throughout Florida, introducing you to all that is available as you plan your education. The Jack Wilkinson Levy Campus will be filled with vendors representing colleges, military …

Wear Your Wings 5k

Ocala Campus 3001 SW College Rd, Ocala

CF students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to join us at the Wear Your Wings 5k on Saturday, Oct. 5. This annual walk honors and raises money for victims and survivors of domestic violence. The walk begins and ends on the CF Ocala Campus with registration starting at 7 a.m. and the walk …

Emergency Medical Services Information Session

Ocala Campus 3001 SW College Rd, Ocala

CF is conducting Emergency Medical Services (EMT & Paramedic) program information sessions live at the Ocala Campus, Building 35, Room 105. It is recommended that potential students attend a session before applying to any of the programs. Sessions provide details about admissions criteria, program requirements, costs and more. There is no waiting list for any …