Events Calendar

Spanish Information Session

Ocala Campus 3001 SW College Rd, Ocala

¡Únete a la primera sesión informativa en español! Nuestros departamentos de Admisiones generales e Internacionales se han unido para darte la información necesaria para inscribirte en CF. En esta sesión encontraras información sobre opciones de títulos, recursos disponibles, costos de matrícula y proceso de F1 (visa de estudiantes). Al final de la presentación, organizaremos una …

Surgical Services Information Session


CF is conducting a Virtual Surgical Services program information session on April 20 at 11:30 a.m. Potential students must attend a session before applying to any of the programs. Sessions provide details about admissions criteria, program requirements, costs and more. Attend and complete your CF general admission application and the $30 fee will be waived. …

Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention

Ocala Campus 3001 SW College Rd, Ocala

According to RAINN, every 68 seconds another American is sexually assaulted. One out of six women and one out of 10 men are victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. Young adults, especially those who identify as transgender, are at higher risk for sexual violence yet, as a society, we rarely talk …

Sexual Assault Awareness: You Are Not Alone

Ocala Campus 3001 SW College Rd, Ocala

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Join us on Wednesday, April 20, at 12:30 p.m. in the Building 3 Learning Commons to learn more about prevention, bystander intervention, and how and where to get help if you or a friend is in need. Our guest speaker is Alicia Oliver, Sexual Assault Victim's Advocate, from the …