VPA Presents “Sorry, Wrong Number”
OnlineCF’s Visual and Performing Arts Department presents “Sorry, Wrong Number,” Tuesday, Dec. 1, starting at 7:30 p.m. online. This classic radio thriller is about a woman driven to the edge …
CF’s Visual and Performing Arts Department presents “Sorry, Wrong Number,” Tuesday, Dec. 1, starting at 7:30 p.m. online. This classic radio thriller is about a woman driven to the edge …
Young up-and-coming Florida artist Jordan Shapot will hold an online discussion about his involvement with the arts scene, his exhibitions, public art and past and current community arts projects Wednesday, …
You deserve to feel good. By the end of this interactive program, Jim's aim is to show you exactly how to do it using the power of rhythm and sound. …
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CF’s Visual and Performing Arts Department presents “Motherhood Out Loud,” Friday-Sunday, March 12-14, starting at 7:30 p.m. online. If you have a mother, know a mother, are a mother or …