CF is closed for Spring Break from March 17-21.


Limited Access

Limited access programs have admissions processes and criteria beyond general college admissions. While any student meeting the minimum criteria is encouraged to apply, not all applicants may be accepted for the desired term.

A limited access program is one in which both program admission and course registration are restricted to a certain number of students meeting predetermined criteria. Limited access status is justified when student demand exceeds available resources or accreditation requirements (i.e., student/faculty ratios, instructional facilities and equipment, clinical sites) or the nature of the program calls for specific admission requirements.

CF Health Sciences and Law Enforcement programs are limited access programs with special entrance requirements that vary by program. Please see the college catalog, academic program page of the website, printed program cards or information packet of each program for complete information.

Limited access program criteria may include:

  • Application specific to the program
  • Specialized testing
  • Prerequisite courses
  • Criminal background check
  • Physical examination
  • CPR certification
  • Minimum age
  • U.S. citizenship
  • No criminal history

Please note that admissions requirements may change occasionally. Consult with your advisor for the most current information.

Application Transfer Pathways

If you are applying for a Limited Access Associate in Science degree, you may be required to start via the Associate in Arts transfer pathway for the desired program. Please see the chart below to find out which transfer pathway you should select on the admissions application.

Associate in Science Associate in Arts Transfer Pathway
Nursing, Registered Nurse (2137) Nursing – Health Sciences (1199)
Nursing — L.P.N to A.D.N. (2139) L.P.N. to A.D.N. Bridge Nursing – Health Sciences (1129)
Nursing — Paramedic to A.D.N. Bridge (2140) Paramedic to A.D.N. Bridge Nursing – Health Sciences (1130)
Physical Therapist Assistant (2232) Physical Therapist Assistant – Health Sciences (1074)
Radiography (2320) Radiography – Health Sciences (1320)

If you have already earned an Associate in Arts or bachelor’s degree and wish to apply for a Limited Access program, please choose “College Graduate to A.S. Limited Access Health Sciences (9240)” on the admissions application to complete the necessary prerequisites.

Students intending to transfer and apply for a nursing program at a university should enter CF’s Nursing B.S. pathway (1125).

College of Central Florida offers the following limited access programs:

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Associate Degree Programs

College Credit Certificate

Applied Technology Diploma

Career and Technical Certificate Programs

Noncredit Program