CF is closed for Spring Break from March 17-21.

Health Sciences

Radiography Program

Start an Exciting Career in Medical Imaging

The CF Radiography Program provides a quality comprehensive, competency-based education to prepare graduates for immediate employment in the profession of medical imaging as an entry-level radiographer within the college’s tri-county service area of Marion, Citrus, and Levy counties.

The Radiography program is Limited Access. A limited access program is one in which both program admission and course registrations are restricted to a certain number of students meeting predetermined criteria. Please see the application information packet for admissions and acceptance criteria.

Radiography Program Students

Explore Degrees and Certificates

Program Mission Statement

Our Program Mission Statement is to “prepare competent entry level radiographers to be members of the health care community within the tricounty service area of Marion, Citrus, and Levy counties.”

Current JRCERT Accreditation Award – 8 years.

Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes

Goal 1: Students will be clinically competent

  • Students will apply knowledge of positioning skills
  • Students will apply radiographic techniques
  • Students will practice appropriate radiation safety

Goal 2: Students will demonstrate the ability to critically think

  • Students will adapt standard procedures for non-routine patients
  • Students will evaluate images for technical quality

Goal 3: Students will communicate effectively

  • Students will demonstrate verbal communication skills
  • Students will demonstrate written communication skills

Goal 4: Students will model professionalism

  • Students will demonstrate professional practice standards
  • Students will summarize the value of professional society membership
  • Students will summarize the value of life-long learning
The College of Central Florida Radiography Program collects and evaluates student learning outcomes and program effectiveness data using a structured program effectiveness plan.

View Program Effectiveness Data

Accreditation and Licensure

The CF Radiography program is an American Registry of Radiologic Technologists recognized primary-pathway educational program. CF maintains accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, which is an ARRT recognized accreditation mechanism. CF is also approved by the Florida Department of Education to award associate degrees, baccalaureate degrees, college credit certificates and occupational certificates. Program graduates will be eligible for licensure in Florida as a Certified Radiologic Technologist and to apply for admission to the certification examination administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologist upon completion of the radiography program.

The program is fully accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). The JRCERT is the only agency recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), for the accreditation of traditional and distance delivery educational programs in radiography, radiation therapy, magnetic resonance, and medical dosimetry.

The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology is located at 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182. Contact them at 312-704-5300 or or visit

The program’s current award is 8 years. General program accreditation information and the current accreditation award letter can be found here.

Professional Organizations

The credentialing organization, American Registry of Radiologic Technologists may be accessed for additional information on applicant and continuing education requirements, testing requirements, ethics requirements and post-primary certifications.

The professional organization, American Society of Radiologic Technologist may be accessed for additional information on the practice standards for radiologic technologist, radiography curriculum guide, state and federal legislative affairs, continuing education, and affiliated societies such as the Florida Society of Radiologic Technologists.

Cohort Education Model

Applicants are not required to have an academic degree completed prior to enrolling in our radiography program, just a few prerequisite courses. The Associate in Science in Radiography is a 77-credit hour program requiring a full-time commitment for five consecutive semesters once the applicant has been accepted as a cohort candidate.

Students in a cohort will advance through the radiography curriculum at the same pace, learning the same program radiography content at the same time. This cohort education model allows for shared learning and critical analysis, relationship building on a personal and professional level, ongoing peer support, and customized instruction and learning resources based on the needs of the cohort members.

The educational experience varies from classroom lecture, directed self-study using e-resources, interactive group projects, discussion, oral presentations, homework assignments, computerized testing, mock credentialing exams, skills lab performance, oral testing, and hands-on clinical experience. Emphasis is placed on demonstration of clinical competency, critical thinking skills, effective communication skills, and professional behaviors. Radiography program cohorts begin each fall semester.

Clinical Education Obligation

Many health care organizations require mandatory drug screens and a federal criminal background check prior to clinical education placement. All candidates accepted into the Radiography program cohort are required to undergo substance screening and a background check as part of the acceptance process. Results of the substance screening and federal criminal background check must be received by the Radiography program manager prior to the first day of class in the Radiography program.

Clinical education site affiliates may deny access to individuals based on results of a federal criminal background check and/or substance screen. Candidates accepted into the Radiography program are required to provide evidence of a recent physical examination, laboratory test results and immunization records. The trend of mandatory annual influenza vaccination for all employees, physicians, volunteers, and learners engaged in providing health care is growing. Learners enrolled in the CF Radiography program may be required to receive the annual influenza vaccination in order to maintain their learner status at a clinical externship site. Learners must complete purified protein derivative (PPD) skin testing to determine exposure to tuberculosis. The Mantoux tuberculin baseline test must be completed prior to entry into the clinical environment and annually thereafter.

All candidates accepted into the Radiography program are responsible for personal transportation to and from the clinical externship sites located in Marion, Citrus and Levy counties. Clinical externship placement may include two to three different locations per semester requiring enrolled learners to commute to any of the tricounty area locations. Clinical externship hours are typically scheduled between 5 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. weekdays (Monday-Friday), weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and evenings (up to 9:30 p.m.). Failure to follow clinical education obligation requirements may result in the loss of the candidates’ placement in the Radiography program.

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