CF is closed for Spring Break from March 17-21.

Advanced Technical Certificate

Logistics and Supply Chain Management, A.T.C.


This Advanced Technical Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management is concerned with the organization, movement, and storage of material. This program is a sequence of five courses providing intensive study for individuals who already hold an associate degree.

This program is upward compatible with a related Bachelor’s degree, such as CF’s Bachelor of Applied Science in Business and Organizational Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management Specialization.

Career Data

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Course Information

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CF is ranked in the top 1% for affordability across the United States, with low tuition rates and more than $1 million in scholarships awarded every year. More than 87% of students receive financial aid.

Tuition and Fees:

*Listed tuition rate is for Florida residents. For non-resident tuition information and a breakdown of fees per credit hour, visit our Tuition page.

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$129.27 per credit hour*