CF is closed for Spring Break from March 17-21.

Bachelor’s Degree

Bachelor of Applied Science in Business and Organizational Management, Human Resources Management Specialization


CF’s Bachelor of Applied Science in Business and Organizational Management, Human Resources Management Specialization prepares students to work in the ever-growing field of human resources as HR specialists, compensation and benefits administrators, trainers and succession planners, as well as corporate recruiters. Job opportunities in this area include HR generalists, compensation and benefits analysts, trainers, HR business partners, success planners and corporate recruiters.

Graduates of this program will be able to achieve the following.

Core Concepts:

  • Communicate effectively in both verbal and written formats.
  • Apply business accounting concepts in the evaluation of an organization’s financial status and fiscal performance.
  • Examine a business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and make recommendations for a strategic plan of action.
  • Analyze organizational strategy and the competitive advantages gained through strategic human resources management.
  • Focus on the role customer service plays in the business of today and the workplace of tomorrow.

Specialization Concepts:

  • Integrate HRM assessment protocols ensuring adequacy and effectiveness of the employee recruitment and retention process.
  • Create methods for career development, mentoring, and succession planning ensuring strategic manpower continuity.
  • Formulate HR policies ensuring adequacy and compliance with all established legal requirements.
  • Develop an HR strategic plan and manpower requirements for the employee recruitment and selection process.
  • Construct training and development programs providing for skills or needs assessment, instructional design, training deployment, and evaluation methods.
  • Create strategic work design methods for job analysis and design.
  • Design compensation, benefits, and reward systems facilitating attraction, development, motivation, and retention of the workforce.

This program is designed for students with Associate in Science or Associate in Arts degrees focusing on Business Administration, but many associate degrees are applicative to this path, please contact the Advising office to get started.

The Human Resources specialization is one of nine options available within the Bachelor of Applied Science in Business and Organizational Management program.

Career Data

Want to explore job outlooks for degrees in this field? View career data and employment trends below by location or top related occupations.

Course Information

Find out more about requirements and recommended courses for this degree by clicking below.

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CF is ranked in the top 1% for affordability across the United States, with low tuition rates and more than $1 million in scholarships awarded every year. More than two-thirds of students receive financial aid.

Tuition and Fees:

*Listed tuition rate is for Florida residents. For non-resident tuition information and a breakdown of fees per credit hour, visit our Tuition page.

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Request some additional information and our program manager will reach out to you with details about the Human Resources Management Specialization program.

$129.27 per credit hour*