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Bachelor’s Degree

Bachelor of Applied Science in Business and Organizational Management, Agribusiness Specialization


The Bachelor of Applied Science in Business and Organizational Management, Agribusiness Specialization is the 2-year extension of the Associate in Science Agribusiness Management degree that expands employment opportunities beyond production agriculture. Students take traditional business courses as well as specific agribusiness courses to prepare students for employment in the food, fiber and natural resource industries and/or preparation for graduate studies.

Students receive both classroom knowledge and applied studies on an educational agriculture production facility at CF’s Vintage Farm campus. Students are trained in the management of agricultural commodities and businesses just outside of the classroom door.

Students will learn applied agricultural business practices in a lab setting while also exploring individual interest areas in plant and/or animal sciences. The student has the ability to earn certificates while pursuing the B.A.S. Agribusiness specialization and upon completion, pursue postgraduate studies at qualified institutions. As a student, you have the flexibility to determine what level of education you want to achieve and tailor your studies to a particular career path and interest in agriculture.

Graduates of the program will be able to:

  • Manage an agricultural business from a production standpoint
  • Collect and analyze data to make production management decisions
  • Procure and account for agricultural inputs
  • Manage risk in agricultural prices and markets
  • Labor delegation and time management
  • Utilize government programs and regulations
  • Apply to relevant postgraduate programs at qualified institutions

Career Data

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Course Information

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CF is ranked in the top 1% for affordability across the United States, with low tuition rates and more than $1 million in scholarships awarded every year. More than 87% of students receive financial aid.

Tuition and Fees:

*Listed tuition rate is for Florida residents. For non-resident tuition information and a breakdown of fees per credit hour, visit our Tuition page.

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$129.27 per credit hour*