CF is closed for Spring Break from March 17-21.



The Communications Department at CF covers a range of courses, from English to Spanish to the literary arts. Learn more about the types of classes and topics within our different communications areas below.

Communications Divisions at CF


The English faculty offers courses to stimulate your thinking and to meet your requirements for either an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree. The classes are designed to help you succeed in your education endeavors and in your career.

We offer basic courses in several categories within the Communication Department, all focusing on the development of your communication understanding and skills. Students will take Freshman Composition to gain study and practice in writing multiparagraph essays with emphasis on exposition and research. These courses introduce the rhetorical concepts of invention, arrangement, style, and grammar as used in academic writing and introduce the basic concepts used in reading literature and in writing about literature. After successfully completing freshman composition, the CF student will understand the importance of written communications skills, develop critical thinking skills in forming an academic argument, and appreciate composition and literature as a complex art that offers opportunity for social observation and self-reflection.

Students also have the opportunity to enroll in Community of Scholars Honors courses in American, English, Modern, World and Children’s Literature, as well as Creative and Technical Writing and Public Speaking.

Foreign Language

SG.K. Chesterton has said, “The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one’s own country as a foreign land.” The same is true of studying foreign languages. Studying a foreign language at CF offers students insights into their own culture that are available in no other way.

Since language is used to express cultural perspectives and to participate in social practices, the ability to know yourself and express yourself clearly and effectively is important in both your personal and professional life. Personally, it can help you develop deeper and more fulfilling relationships of all types. Professionally, it can help you stand out among your colleagues and attain positions of leadership and influence.

We offer several basic courses within the Foreign Language Department, all focusing on the development of your foreign language understanding and skills. Students can take classes in American Sign Language, Spanish, and Chinese.

Literary Arts


In addition to the literature rich ENC 1102, various courses in literature are available to students, including American Literature I and II, British Literature I and II, Children’s Literature, and World Literature. Honors sections are available in American and British Literature. Literature courses at CF are student-centered, featuring Socratic seminar, group discussions, individual projects, as well as other active learning techniques.

Creative Writing

The Communications Department offers a course in creative writing, including student-centered workshops in poetry and prose where students create their own portfolios.

Ocala Campus “Imprints” magazine is comprised of 100% CF student-created art and literature. The selections for each year’s magazine are evaluated by the Imprints student staff. Prior to submitting literary and/or art selections, please review each of the evaluation rubrics to ensure your selections meet the criteria necessary for consideration.

Citrus Campus “In The Write Mind” is an award-winning student publication produced by Citrus Campus students.

“The Patriot Press” is an award-winning student newspaper.

Debra Vazquez Memorial Poetry Series

The Debra Vazquez Memorial Poetry Series was created by faculty and staff to honor the memory of English Professor Debra Vazquez who taught English, literature, and creative writing at CF for many years. Professor Vazquez established “Imprints,” the student literary magazine, as one of the best in the state and served as its faculty advisor until 2004.

Every year, CF brings writers of literary stature to the Ocala Campus for free performances for faculty, staff, and the surrounding community. Since 2004, the series has welcomed U.S. Poet Laureate Ted Kooser, Li Young Li, Kay Ryan, and Marilyn Taylor. The Debra Vazquez Memorial Poetry Series has been a creative and energetic force that has engendered collaboration between faculty, facilitated interactions with our students, and connected us to artists and colleagues in the community and across the country. For further information regarding the poetry series, contact Sandra Cooper, Building 2, Room 220D, 352-854-2322, ext. 1361.


More than 2,500 years ago, the Greek leader Pericles stated, “One who forms a judgment on any point but cannot explain it clearly might as well never have thought at all on the subject.” The same is true today. The ability to clearly and effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas is important in both your personal and professional life. Personally, it can help you develop deeper and more fulfilling relationships of all types. Professionally, it can help you stand out among your colleagues and attain positions of leadership and influence.

The Speech faculty of CF want to assist you as you pursue your goals and dreams. We offer courses focusing on the development of communication understanding and skills. Take these courses to learn to communicate in a public setting more effectively and clearly, as well as gain an understanding of self and how you relate to others in society.

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