CF is closed for Spring Break from March 17-21.

Testing Instructions


Testing Instructions

Instructions and Guidelines

Preparing for Testing

To ensure your testing experience is positive and successful, please follow these steps.

Before Testing

  1. Learn as much as you can about the test you intend to take by visiting our Test Directory and finding the information about that exam.
  2. Prepare for the assessment by utilizing any available study material found in the Test Directory.
  3. Find the Testing Center closest to you. Call ahead for an appointment, if necessary.
  4. Review our Acceptable ID and Testing Requirements and prepare to bring the appropriate identification and paperwork.

Testing Day

  1. Follow the Dishonesty and Behavioral Guidelines while at the Testing Center.
  2. If your exam requires payment, prepay by registering for the test or come in at your convenience/the time of your appointment with your form of payment.
  3. Check the Prohibited Items Policy to find out what personal belongings you should leave at home.
  4. Please whisper or keep a lowered voice while in the Testing Center. We share an atmosphere similar to a library.

After Testing

  1. Pick up any testing aids given to you during the exam and leave the testing room as quietly as possible.
  2. See the front desk staff to retrieve any personal items from your locker.
  3. You will be asked if you would like to fill out a quick survey telling us about your experience. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Testing Requirements and Acceptable IDs

You must present one acceptable form of identification (ID). Some professional testing vendors may required an additional ID.

Acceptable forms of ID:

  • Passport
  • Driver’s license
  • Military ID (including spouse & dependents)
  • Identification card (national/state/province identity card, student ID)
  • Alien registration card (green card, permanent resident, Visa)
  • Government Issued: The ID must meet all of the following criteria:
  • Be original (no photo copies)
  • Be current and valid (with an expiration date that has not passed)
  • Have been issued by a government agency (as noted above for acceptable forms of ID)
  • Include a photo which can be used to positively identify you
  • Include your signature


  • Expired forms of ID are not acceptable, unless accompanied by valid renewal papers.
  • Any candidate exceptions to the ID policy must be pre-approved by the CF Testing Center manager or the vendor of the exam at least three business days before the scheduled examination appointment.
  • If a candidate is checking in and does not have one matching form of acceptable ID but has ID that meets the requirements in his or her vehicle, the candidate may retrieve the ID from his or her vehicle.
  • A candidate is permitted to have someone else bring his or her ID to the test center while he or she waits there as long as the candidate is able to present the ID by the time of the examination appointment (within the 15-minute late policy is acceptable).

Unacceptable Forms of ID:

  • International driver’s licenses that are not issued by a government
  • Naturalization papers
  • IDs from countries subject to U.S. sanctions
  • Voter Registration cards that are paper or plastic and do not include a photo
  • Marriage licenses
  • Divorce decrees
  • Amended documentation
  • Birth certificates
  • Name change decrees
  • Health insurance cards

Check-In Procedure and Security Policy

All test takers must check in with the front desk staff. Testing staff will ask for a photo ID and ask if you have tested at the site before. If you have not tested at the CF Testing Center, please indicate that during check-in. If you are unable to register in advance for any reason, Testing Center staff will be happy to assist you. Once you have been registered for the exam, our staff will request that all prohibited items be placed into the lockers available at each Testing Center; a staff member will help ensure that your items have been locked and will help retrieve items when your exam is completed. Lockers are constantly monitored by CCTV cameras. You also have the option of leaving items in your vehicle.

After you have placed your items in a locker, the staff member will confirm that you do not have any prohibited items left on you. They will request that any pockets be turned inside out, if possible, or that you pat down those pockets or run your hands through them to show that there are no items in the pockets. If you are wearing long sleeves, you will be required to temporarily push up your sleeves so the staff can see that there are no prohibited items under the sleeves. If you are wearing a tie, you will be asked to lift your tie up so that staff may see the other side of it. If you are permitted any test aids, staff is required to examine the aid. Any prohibited item that is allowed in the Testing Center, after approval, must be examined.

Once Testing Center staff has determined that there are no unauthorized or prohibited items available to you, they will use a battery-operated, hand-held metal detection device to locate any sources of metal. The wand is moved closely around the outline of the candidate’s body. If any metal sources are located such as a belt or metal shoes, they do not have to be taken off. We understand that these clothing items may set off the wand. Wanding is required for all test takers regardless of circumstance.

If your exam permits any test aids, they will be provided to you. You will be assigned a computer in one of our testing rooms and a staff member will escort you there.

Check Out Procedure

When you have completed your test, please come out and see one of the Testing Center staff members. They will print out any test scores, if applicable, and provide you with a copy. Official copies can be provided upon request.

You will need to present your ID to confirm identity and the staff member will unlock your locker to retrieve personal items. A survey is available for you to provide feedback about your testing experience.

Testing Dishonesty and Behavioral Guidelines

Maintaining exam security and integrity is a priority for the CF Testing Center. There are guidelines that all test candidates must uphold if they would like to test at our test site. CF maintains the right of refusal for any candidate that does not follow these guidelines. Computer screens are monitored at all times and testing sessions are video and audio recorded. Other detection devices may also be used. We take our role of providing a secure test environment seriously. During the check-in process, we inspect any and all eyeglasses, jewelry and other accessories to look for camera devices that could be used to capture exam content.

You will be required to remove your eyeglasses for close visual inspection. These inspections will take a few seconds and will be done at check-in and again upon return from breaks before you enter the testing room to ensure you do not violate any security protocol.

Jewelry other than wedding and engagement rings is prohibited. Please do not wear other jewelry to the test center. Hair accessories and ties are subject to inspection. Please refrain from using ornate clips, combs, barrettes, headbands, tie clips, cuff links and other hair accessories as you may be prohibited from wearing them into the testing room and asked to store them in your locker. Violation of security protocol may result in the confiscation of prohibited devices and termination of your exam.

  • Communicating with anyone who is not Testing Center staff during an examination is considered misconduct. If communication is perceived by a proctor, the candidate will be asked to immediately cease any suspicious behavior. If the candidate is caught disclosing any information related to exam content, the candidate and the person(s) they communicated with will have their exam materials confiscated and both parties will be asked to leave the Testing Center.
  • Attempting to review or gain access to secure exam material prior to an examination will result in the candidate being unable to take that exam at our site. An irregularity report will be sent to any applicable owner of exam content.
  • Candidates must not remove or attempt to remove any exam material, including but not limited to scrap paper, test books and test aids, from the Testing Center.
  • Submitting another person’s work as your own is strictly prohibited. Any attempt to take a test for another person will be reported to any applicable test vendor or instructor.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, falsify information, forge signatures, and/or present false identification. This includes falsifying official documents, grade reports, authorization letters, transcripts, test scores, or any other type of document.
  • Firearms, weapons and firearm-related materials such as ammunition may not be brought into the Testing Center. These items may be confiscated if brought into the Testing Center, if advised by campus security or the local authorities.
  • Using or possessing any prohibited items in the Testing Center may result in your scores being invalidated. Please view the full list of prohibited items.
  • Candidates may be dismissed if they create a disturbance or engage in disruptive behavior.
  • Attempting to bribe a member of Testing Center staff to obtain any information on a test candidate or test scores is a violation of federal law (FERPA) and will be reported. You can read more about FERPA here.
  • Do not tamper with a computer or any equipment in the Testing Center.
  • Do not open an unauthorized browser during test administration. All computer screens are monitored in the Testing Center.
  • Refusing to adhere to these guidelines or instructions given by a staff member at the Testing Center may result in immediate dismissal.
  • Circulating, reproducing, or otherwise sharing answers to exams is prohibited.

The College of Central Florida maintains the right to refuse any candidate’s request to test at our Testing Center. If a candidate does not follow these guidelines, they may be asked to leave. If any of these behaviors are observed during a vendor exam (example: a Pearson Vue-sponsored exam), the conduct will be reported to the vendor and an investigation will occur that could result in serious consequences. If these behaviors occur during classroom exams, (for the College of Central Florida or outside institutions) a report will be sent to the instructor and any relevant faculty or staff. CF students who are caught being dishonest in any way during an examination will be required to attend an Academic Integrity seminar and may receive a grade of “FF” in their course at the instructor’s discretion.

Remote Testing and Proctoring

The College of Central Florida offers remote testing and proctoring options for students attending other institutions of secondary and post-secondary education.

Remote Testing:

For PERT and Accuplacer exams, the CF Testing Centers can provide other Testing Centers access to our system so they may administer these exams to CF students or community members interested in CF.

If this situation applies to you, please contact us at or 352-291-4419, ext. 1564

We can also provide remote testing options for students that attend or plan to attend other institutions. If the outside institution is set up to do remote testing, they can provide us access to their system and we can deliver their tests at our Testing Center.

Outside Proctoring:

If you are a current CF student and you would like to take your proctored exams off campus, you have multiple options.

  • You may be able to use Proctor U to proctor your exam online. Contact your instructor to verify that this is an option for you.
  • If there is a Testing Center closer to you, contact your instructor to verify that you can take your exam at that Testing Center. We can send any required documentation at the request of your instructor.

If you are a student at another institution of higher learning and you would like to take your proctored exam at our Testing Center:

  • Contact your instructor or distance learning/testing center to begin the process. They will need to approve our test site as an eligible testing center to proctor your exam.
  • Once your institution has approved CF as an eligible proctoring location, your instructor will need to send exam information directly by filling out an Outside Proctoring Form and submitting it to
  • Some instructors will require us to fill out forms, as well. Please send any of these forms to and one of our Assessment Specialists will fill it out and send any necessary documentation. (These documents will not be sent to the student under any circumstances. When sending any requests, please include an email address for the institution or individual employed at the institution.)

Prohibited Items

Prohibited items include, but are not limited to:

  • Food/snacks
  • Gum and wrapped candy
  • Beverages
  • Books
  • Papers
  • Highlighters
  • Rulers
  • Notes
  • Earplugs
  • Calculators (unless approved)
  • Cell phones
  • Recording devices
  • Cameras
  • Headphones
  • Watches
  • Backpacks and purses
  • Bracelets and chains
  • Hair ties and rubber bands
  • Outerwear that is permitted to be worn in the test room must continue to be worn at all times. Removed clothing must be stored in the locker provided during check-in.
  • Any other electronic devices or reference materials
  • Any hat with a bill or brim unless it is worn for a religious or medical reason that has been
    pre-approved by the College of Central Florida.
  • Any article of clothing, jewelry or accessory containing any information (whether as a design or otherwise) that may be reasonably related to the assessment.

If you require an accommodation as an exception to any of the above items, you must submit a written request to the Institutional Testing Administrator providing the appropriate documentation explaining the need for this accommodation.

You will not have access to any purses, cell phones, or backpacks during the exam. These items must be stored in a designated secure area provided by the Testing Center.

All electronic devices must be turned off while in the secure area. If your cell phone rings or makes any noise while in the secure area, your test will be invalidated and your testing fees will not be refunded.

If, at the rest break, you must access a personal item, such as an item needed to take a restroom break, this is allowed. However, if you access any other prohibited item from the secure area, your test will be invalidated and your testing fees will not be refunded. If you access, check or turn on your cell phone at any time during your testing session (including during your break), your test will be invalidated and testing fees will not be refunded.

If you are found to have violated the prohibited items policy in any way, your scores will be invalidated, no refunds will be issued, and you will not be allowed to transfer to a different testing center (if you are taking an exam for an applicable vendor or instructor).

Neither the College of Central Florida, its affiliated companies, agents, or contractors assume responsibility for the theft, loss, or damage to any prohibited electronic device nor other personal property brought into the Testing Center or left in your car.

Civic Literacy Requirement Statutes and Rules

Students who have enrolled at CF on or after 2018-2019 are required to demonstrate competency in civic literacy. Click here for information about the Florida Civic Literacy Exam.

Information for CF Instructors

If you would like to facilitate an exam for the Testing Center you will need to adhere to the following steps:

  1. Fill out the Instructor Sign-In Sheet available on The testing staff will utilize this form as a contract between the testing center and the instructor. The form can be used for Testing with or without accommodations on all three campuses (Ocala, Levy and Citrus). If you are doing more than one test for a course with the same proctoring instructions, please include that at the bottom of the form. You can utilize the same form for every test, as long as the proctoring instructions remain the same. If the proctoring instructions differ from one exam to the next, please fill out a form for each exam.
  2. Email the form to or print the completed form and drop it off at your local Testing Center.
  3. Wait for a confirmation email from the Testing staff. We will create a section for your exam in the Testing Center catalog so your students can register to take the test. We will keep the instructor form in a secure location and administer the test according to the proctoring instructions you provided.