CF is closed for Spring Break from March 17-21.

Testing FAQs


Testing FAQs

Do you still have questions about testing at the College of Central Florida? Below, you’ll find some common questions and answers.

What is a proctor?

A proctor is someone who administers a test. The proctor must be associated with some kind of educational institution, such as another college, university, or local school. The proctor cannot be someone with a personal history with the student. The student must contact their instructor and he/she will obtain general contract information from the potential proctors.

What does a proctor do?

As a liaison between the College of Central Florida and its students, the proctor ensures the security and integrity of the exam process.

Do I need a proctor?

You may need a proctor if your instructor requires that you take your exams in a secure testing environment.

What if I have questions about the exam?

The proctor will only provide instructions given by the instructor. All other questions should be directed to the instructor.

What is the deadline for my test?

Refer to the syllabus or contact your instructor for a definitive answer.

What if the CF Testing Center has not received my test?

Contact your instructor.

Can I take my tests at CF if I go to another college/university?

If the institution you are enrolled with allows you to test at our NCTA-certified test site, you can contact you instructor about taking your exam at the Testing Center nearest you.

  • CF Testing Center meets the requirements for proctoring tests from almost all accredited college and universities.
  • Your institution may require a proctor agreement form.
  • An instructor sheet will be provided to the instructor requesting proctoring information to administer the exam.
  • Call to confirm that we have received the required information.
  • The outside proctoring fee is $25.

How does it work?

At the beginning of the semester, instructors should complete an instructor sheet that provides the Testing Center with proctoring information. This form is not to be shared or disseminated to students. Once the form is submitted, Ocala, Citrus, and Levy Campus Testing Centers will receive a copy.

From there, the student can choose the Testing Center nearest them to take their exam. If your location requires an appointment, please call ahead to do so. Otherwise, come in anytime during business hours with a photo ID and other required materials. Please see the General Testing Information section for more information on this process.

What is my responsibility as a student?

  • Know the professor’s name, course number, and the name of the exam (ex: Professor Lee, MGF1103, and Exam 1)
  • Students must provide a valid photo identification card. Please see the acceptable ID policy for more information.

What information will the proctor provide?

  • The amount of time allocated for the exam
  • Special instructions and items allowed during the exam