CF is closed for Spring Break from March 17-21.

FBAT Information


FBAT Information

The Florida Basic Abilities Test (FBAT) is designed to measure basic abilities required for basic recruit training programs, employment in law enforcement-related occupations, and military recruitment.

Note: The FBAT is also known as the CJBAT (Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test) and BAT (Basic Abilities Test)

There are three types of FBAT exams:

  1. LEBAT – Law Enforcement Basic Abilities Test
  2. COBAT – Corrections Basic Abilities Test
  3. PROBAT – Probations Basic Abilities Test

The College of Central Florida limited access Criminal Justice programs require this test for admissions into the program. Please see the Criminal Justice & Public Service page for more information.

Test Structure

There are 8 abilities that were designated by the FDLE as necessary to successfully complete training programs in the State of Florida. These abilities are:

  1. Inductive Reasoning – the ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions.
  2. Deductive Reasoning – the ability to apply to arrange things or actions in a certain order or pattern according to a specific rule or set of rules.
  3. Information Ordering – the ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense.
  4. Memorization – the ability to remember information such as words, numbers, pictures, and procedures.
  5. Spatial Orientation – the ability to know your location in relation to the environment, or to know where other objects are in relation to you.
  6. Problem Sensitivity – the ability to tell if something is wrong or likely to go wrong. It involves recognizing the symptoms of a physical problem requiring first aid and/or judging the accuracy of data received.
  7. Written Comprehension – the ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing.
  8. Written Expression – the ability to use English words or sentences in writing so others can understand.

Number of Questions

The exams have a total of 104 questions. There are 13 questions per ability.

Duration of Test

Each exam takes approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes to administer from beginning to end including instructions.


  • LEBAT Passing Score: 71%
  • COBAT Passing Score: 77%
  • PROBAT Passing Score: 67%

Scores are valid for four years. Scores are presented as (percentage correct) for each subtest and the FBAT total. The scoring sheet given to you by the Testing Center is not an official copy. Your official score will be sent electronically to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). Hiring agencies must verify your score through FDLE.

Cost and Registration

Cost of Test: $45


You can choose to register and pay for the test in advance on the Testing Center Quick Admit Catalog. You will also need to fill out the FBAT Registration Form.

The FBAT is offered year-round. You can walk-in to take this exam at the Ocala Testing Center or make an appointment with Citrus or Levy.

Retake Policy

If you fail the FBAT, you may retake it up to two additional times within a 12 month period per discipline. You must wait at least 24 hours between retakes. You may only make three testing attempts per discipline, per 12 month period.