CF is closed for Spring Break from March 17-21.


Test Directory

Below, you’ll find a list of some tests and test providers offered through the College of Central Florida.

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ACCUPLACER is an integrated system of computer-adaptive assessments designed to evaluate students’ skills in reading, writing, and mathematics.


The ACT is the leading U.S. college admissions test measuring what you learn in high school to determine your academic readiness for college.

AMP Surgical Tech

The National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting determines, through examination, if an individual has acquired both theoretical and practical knowledge of surgical technology or surgical first assisting.

Assessment Systems

Assessment Systems leverages the intersection between technology and expertise to improve your assessment process. Our mission is to increase the quality of assessment being done in the world, because there is still way too much assessment that is done poorly.

Anatomy Pretest

An assessment offered to CF students who feel they are proficient in Anatomy. If the student scores above a 70%, they can bypass the Basic Anatomy class.


ASE, is short for the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. Since 1972 our independent nonprofit organization has worked to improve the quality of vehicle repair and service by testing and certifying automotive professionals.


The ASVAB is a timed multi-aptitude test, which is given at over 14,000 school and Military Entrance Processing Stations nationwide and is developed and maintained by the Department of Defense.


CareerScope takes career and educational planning to a new level. The proven career assessment and reporting system from the Vocational Research Institute is a powerful yet easy-to-use program.


Castle allows you to excel in your profession through the development of competency-based testing, training, and high-stakes certification programs.


Certiport is dedicated to helping people succeed through certification. Our globally recognized credentials are aimed at enhancing individual productivity, marketability, and value.

CIC Crane Institute

CIC provides OSHA recognized, NCCA accredited crane operator, rigger and signalperson certification.


This rigorous program allows students from a wide range of ages and backgrounds to demonstrate their mastery of introductory college-level material and earn college credit.


Comira’s Test Administration service is the most flexible, cost-effective and advanced in the industry. They subscribe to the philosophy “your testing program, not ours” in providing tailored solutions to meet your program goals and objectives.


The DSST test taker audience has changed over the years, and DSST exams are available to anyone seeking college credit outside the traditional classroom, including college students, adult learners, high school students and military personnel.


The Florida Basic Abilities Test is designed for individuals wishing to enter the fields of law enforcement, corrections or probations.

Florida Certification Board

The FCB designs, develops and manages programs for 32 health and human services professions and certifies those in the child welfare, mental health and addiction fields, ensuring that they meet education, training, experience and testing criteria.


Foreign Language Achievement Testing Services provides students the opportunity to prove foreign language competency by examination.


Candidates who pass the GED Examination receive a State of Florida High School Diploma from the Florida Department of Education.


HESI exams allow students to progress through their health care program and evaluate their readiness for the NCLEX examination. The HESI Admissions Assessment Exam (A2) selects the best prospective students by evaluating academic knowledge in English, math, and science, as well as learning by personality types.


The Health Sciences Reasoning Test measures high-stakes reasoning and decision-making processes. The HSRT is specifically calibrated for trainees in health sciences educational programs (undergraduate and graduate) and for professional health science practitioners.

ISO Quality Testing

IQT’s client list varies as the professional services they provide. Their clients range from some of the largest licensing and certification programs in the world to small specialized organizations.


A full service provider of customizable assessment and certification products.


The Law School Admissions Test measures skills that are considered essential for success in law school.


The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination is a two-hour, 60-question multiple-choice examination developed by the National Conference by Bar Examiners that is administered three times per year. The MPRE measures knowledge and understanding of established standards related to the professional conduct of lawyers.


The Manufacturing Skill Standards Council has two certification programs in manufacturing production and supply chain logistics: Certified Production Technician (CPT) and Certified Logistics Technician (CLT).


The National Association of Legal Assistants leads the paralegal profession by providing a voluntary certification program, continuing legal education, and professional development programs for all paralegals.


National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology is a nonprofit certifying organization designed to meet the clinical, technical, and safety needs of the discipline of undersea and hyperbaric medicine.


The National Center for Competency Testing is an independent credentialing organization that has tested health care professionals and instructors throughout the United States since 1989.


The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health offers a comprehensive range of globally-recognized qualifications designed to meet the health, safety and environmental management needs of all places of work.


Performance Assessment Network, a PSI company, is a web-based system for the distribution, administration, and analysis of professional assessments and tests.

Pearson Vue

Pearson VUE is a leader in computer-based testing, offering services from online practice tests to high-stakes proctored exams that require the industry’s most secure testing environments

Personality Plus (Littauer)

This tool is based upon four basic personality profiles, as described in Personality Plus by Florence Littauer. Upon completion, Personality Plus reveals how your unique blend of traits effects your emotions, work performance, and your relationships.


The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test is Florida’s customized common placement test. The PERT assessment system includes placement and diagnostic tests in mathematics, reading, and writing to determine accurate course placement based on the student’s skills and abilities.


Prov offers advanced online assessment platform through secure, electronic test delivery, online test exam, paper pencil exam and exam integrity.


The Psychological Services Bureau helps prepare health occupations educational programs and their applicants to make thoughtful and effective choices when confronted with career educational decisions.

Public Safety Testing

Proctored exams offered to candidates pursuing a career as a firefighter, law enforcement office, 911 dispatcher, or corrections officer outside of Florida, in applicable states.

RV Training Institute

RV Training Institute offers a distance learning training program exclusively for the RV Industry. Registered and Certified RV Service Technician Exams are offered through this vendor.


ServSafe offers food and alcohol safety training and certification exams created by food service professionals.


Educators use the Test for Adult Basic Education to assess the skills and knowledge of adult learners.


Developed by the Assessment Technologies Institute, the Test of Essential Academic Skills is used as part of the admissions process by Nursing and Allied Health schools nationwide. Test includes questions on reading, science, math, and english and language usage to determine the readiness of individuals to enter the health sciences fields.


The Wonderlic SLE exam measures students’ cognitive ability and is widely accepted as the single best predictor of academic success. And, as the world’s leading cognitive ability test used for student admissions, the SLE can help students qualify for certain education programs.