CF is closed for Spring Break from March 17-21.

About CF

Office of the President

James Henningsen, Ed.D.

Our priorities are to strengthen a high-quality learning environment that increases student engagement and success, strengthen partnerships that meet workforce needs and promote the social, economic and cultural development of the community, and promote a climate that supports team learning, success and innovation.

We are committed to making CF your first choice for quality higher education and we have been recognized nationally for quality and affordability. The College of Central Florida is ranked in the top one percent for affordability in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Education. And CF has one of the best student-teacher ratios in the Florida College System.

Our Core Values — Empowerment, Engagement, Excellence — guide us. As an engaged academic community, we are committed to fostering an environment where ideas are freely exchanged and discussed. It is through respectful and meaningful discourse that transformative understanding occurs, which in turn leads to personal and intellectual growth and development.

We hope you join us in pursuit of educational excellence. Remember, we always value your input and feedback.

James Henningsen, Ed.D.

Contact the President’s Office

President’s Staff

Dr. James Henningsen, President

Erin Carter, Manager, President’s Office and Board Operations

Dr. Jennifer Fryns, Vice President – Workforce Development and Innovation

Christopher R. Knife, Vice President – Institutional Advancement | CEO CF Foundation

Dr. Vernon Lawter, Vice President of Regional Campuses

Dr. Mark Paugh, Vice President of Academic Affairs

Charles Prince, Vice President of Administration and Finance

Dr. Saul Reyes, Vice President – Enrollment Management and Student Affairs

Dr. Tammi Viviano-Broderick, Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and College Relations