Purchasing Department
Thank you for your interest in doing business with the College of Central Florida. The CF Purchasing Department makes the most economic and advantageous acquisitions of the best-quality goods and services, in an open, ethical and efficient manner, while supporting the college.
Current Solicitations
Current advertised competitive solicitations (ITB, RFP, ITN or RFQ) are in PDF format ONLY, and must be typed or completed manually. All competitive solicitation documents must contain original signatures prior to submission to the Purchasing Department. Please Note! If you are an Office of Supplier Diversity Certified Minority Business Enterprise or designated as a certified minority business in your city or state please indicate your status in block 3.
It is the responsibility of the bidder to monitor this website and contact the CF Purchasing Office in regard to any and all current and forthcoming addendums.
Past Solicitations
- RFQ 24-1 Architectural and Engineering Services
- RFQ 24-1 Architectural and Engineering Addendum 1
- RFQ 24-1 Bid Deadline and Opening Rescheduling Memo
- RFQ 24-1 Bidder Shortlist
- RFQ 24-1 Notice of Intent to Award
- RFQ 24-1 Notice to Proceed
- RFQ 24-2 Construction Management Services
- RFQ 24-2 Bid Deadline and Opening Rescheduling Memo
- RFQ 24-2 Bidder Shortlist
- RFQ 24-2 Notice of Intent to Award
- RFQ 24-2 Notice to Proceed
- ITB 24-3 Citrus Monument Sign
Notice of Intent to Award
ITB 23-1 Pool Demolition
This posting will serve as the formal notice of the College of Central Florida’s intent to award ITB 23-1 to A Bit of Destruction LLC. The award will be made pending final approval by the District Board of Trustees on Dec. 6, 2023.
PDF Downloads
- Vendor Guide
- Current Leases
- Current Agreements
- Tax Exemption Form
- Vendor Registration Form
- Purchasing Manual
Contact Purchasing
We serve the college’s campuses and locations in Citrus, Levy and Marion counties. Our office is located in Founders Hall, Ocala Campus.
Founders Hall, Room 109
3001 S.W. College Road, Ocala, FL 34474-4415
Telephone 352-854-2322 | Fax 352-291-4423
Open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Purchasing Staff
Tony Denis
Director of Purchasing
denist@cf.edu, 352-854-2322, Ext. 1227
Jonathan Melo
Purchasing Agent
meloj@cf.edu, 352-854-2322, Ext. 1527
CF Credit Information/CF Tax Exemption Certificate
CF does not complete credit applications. We have prepared a standardized Credit Information Packet that contains all the information you need to set up an account with/for College of Central Florida.
A copy of the current CF Tax Exemption Certificate in PDF Format is available here.
New Vendors shall provide a completed IRS Form W9 to the Purchasing Department when doing business.