Accessibility Services

352-854-2322, ext. 1209

Ocala Campus, Bryant Student Union, Room 204

Our mission is to serve students with disabilities.

The Office of Accessibility Services offers a wide range of services and resources for incoming and current students with disabilities. We help students engage in courses, programs, services and activities of CF. We provide coaching, advising, support, programs, and resources to help you overcome obstacles, build confidence, self-advocate and attain success.

Arrangements can be made to meet with students, staff, or faculty at any of the college’s locations.

Accessibility Services partners with students, faculty, staff, and the community for student success. It is all about providing you, our students with the resources you need to reach your potential and achieve your goals. The college is committed to providing equal educational opportunity and full participation in all college activities, programs, and services for students with disabilities.

Our services include:

  • assistance with admissions and financial aid applications
  • appropriate classroom and testing accommodations
  • academic, career, and personal coaching
  • sign language interpreters
  • adapted computer access


Apply for Accommodations

Learn about the process for applying for and receiving accommodations.

Instructions for Current Students

Find instructions to guide you in the accommodation process each semester.

Student Forms and Information

Find all forms related to accessibility services here.

The college fully supports and ensures compliance of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and all other pertinent federal, state, and local disability anti-discrimination laws. Click for the College of Central Florida’s Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination.

Students with disabilities are encouraged to register with Disability Services.

All of our staff have one thing in common – a passion for helping students achieve their goals. We look forward to working with you.

Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator for Employees, Students, and Public

Cindy Pfriender, LMHC

Ocala Campus, Bryant Student Union
Room 204F
Phone: 352-854-2322, ext. 1580


Dr. Mary Ann Begley

Ocala Campus, Bryant Student Union
Room 205D
Phone: 352-854-2322, ext. 1430